Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This and That

Kid News

Sugey with his night-lights.


Ryan caught a Praying Mantis and tortured me with it.

Do you know that they turn their heads and watch you?


Me and the boys


"Mommy, will you marry me?"

Little ones are so sweet.


Blowing bubbles


Caiden's idea of homeschooling.


My little Scout

Ya, I sewed his badges on backwards.


Real homeschooling moments


Halloween is coming

And so are the aliens.


We have the coolest Halloween store nearby


Many things to see


Daryn created this for her Visual Arts class


Knitting News

I blocked this "Citron" for one of my good friends who has mad knitting skills. I heart you Jess!!! Awesome job! She used the Z-Ball yarn.


Aeolian News


6 more rows to go


Started "Hemlock" by Jared Flood. The rainbow colors represent Autism.


"Woodland" is halfway done except the yarn broke in pattern and I had to buy another skein.


My pink stripped sock I am working on.


She's crafty!

My quilt block for LSG Quilting Bee


Everything else on my agenda.

I fell down the Rabbit-Hole.


Reading Outlander


Southerntier Creme Brulee Beer


Caught up with Nature


I love butterflies


Homemade Chicken Soup for a sick friend.


OMG it was so good!


Received such an awesome present from my Bo-Bina.

An indoor Gardenia Plant. My favorite flower.


The WTF moment of the week

Why is the crazy man on the highway with cars on a bike!!!!

Again. WTF!

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