Saturday these babies were found in a cut down tree branch in a nest. The mama had abandoned them. Can you guess what they are? 
Baby Squirrels!!!!!!!
Yes, they are cute. I have been nursing them every two hours with a bottle. They seemed to have warmed up and they are active now. Poor little things were so cold and I was afraid they weren't going to make it. They must be a little over a week old. Their eyes are still shut.
Now for my "Best Friend Socks". These softies are knitted in Cherry Tree Hill Louet Gems Fingering Yarn. The color way is "Misty Moor". I had orignally ordered " Moody Blues", but they sent me this color instead. After fondling it for a bit, I HAD to keep it. I just hope I have enough for the second sock.
This yarn is highly reccomended. Very soft and Springy.
O my gawd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are soooo precious! My husband is gonna fall out when he see's these. He had a pet squirrel when he was a kid that he raised.
One time I raised a batch of cotton tails. It was tough going...but they made it.
Mucho blessings on your little bundles of love. And yer sock is pretty cool
Thank u!!! The squrrels are soooo cute. They are starting to grow little long hairs. I need to get a picture of them holding the bottle nipple with their paws. (:
wittle squirrelyheads!
i would hug them and love them and squeeze them and sneeze on them and call them all george.
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