Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lovely Earth

Our week of homeschooling

This is a book recommended by The Well Trained Mind. Hard to find, but worth it.
We are just on the first two pages!

We learned about the Dead Sea, which is the lowest land on our planet. 1.320 feet below sea level. The salts in the water are about seven times more concentrated than in ordinary sea water.
Still beautiful.
This is the Earth's largest single rock, Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock) in Australia. It is a place sacred to the Aboriginals.


These are the frozen waterfalls of Hamman-Meskoutine in Algeria. It has ten hot water springs. Here is a link to see all of the beautiful pictures.


On the artsy side of homeschooling.......

We went the Plaster Castle and painted some sculptures.

Sugey painted a green lizards and a T-Rex.


Daryn painted a self portrait and a pretty ladybug.


Kailen worked on a root beer mug and a lizard with pretty glitter.

Ryan, did a tiki man and a chocolate box filled with candies.


Here are all of the wonderful creations.


Off to the Pack 1oo meeting.

Kailen earned his first badge.


The Bobcat Badge


And for the random pictures of the week

Bird Love.


And more Mommy Love.

I am grateful to be able to spend such wonderful time with my children and give them such fantastic memories.

1 comment:

Myownigloo said...

Congratulations and very well done, Kailen! Your first badge! I'm so proud of you!

I love to see all your kids are doing.

I hope you're taking care of yourself and getting better. The booklets I sent should help if you get a chance to read them.

Kisses and hugs to the family!