Friday, January 2, 2009

Bringing in the New Year

New Years Day, we went to the park. It's a very hilly park with bike trails and lots of places to skateboard.



Even Daryn went!



There were lots of things to see.

I was engrossed with this caterpillar. I do think it's a moth after hours of research.


The hawks were out.



I actually got this picture inside the car.

Very neat.



And then there were two!



Maybe I'm a little too consumed (:


But so was Sugey. He read his books to them last night


Random Weird Picture.


Knitting News!!!!!

I found this on Ravelry after one of my dear friends was knitting it last Monday. It is so pretty. It is a Hamsa Dishcloth but way too pretty to use as a dishcloth. Here's Tikkunknitters website


The hamsa hand (Arabic) or hamesh hand (Hebrew) is an old and still popular apotropaic amulet for magical protection from the envious or evil eye.


This is a basket weave hat for my nephew Erik. I will make another one for Kent, my sister's other half. (:


You can see the basket weave forming.


This is a French Market Bag for my niece.


Before embroidering and after felting.


Last random picture of the week

Lovely bird I have.


Next week.....back to teaching.....

1 comment:

Myownigloo said...

Oh, love that upside-down bird! And Sugey read a book to a caterpillar! How sweet.

I love Sugar Bear.